PoC: Crafting Sustainable Revenue from Wi-Fi: Building a Village wide Public Hotspot in Rural Morocco

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In any social project, integrating a viable business model is pivotal for sustainability and fostering organic growth. One fundamental question arises:

How can someone monetize a Wi-Fi hotspot effectively?

Please note that this project is a Proof of Concept (PoC) and will be executed with a minimal budget. As we’re aware, technology itself is rarely the impediment to realizing a plan; rather, it’s the human element—the adaptation and integration—that often presents challenges. Let’s explore the installation and market introduction of this public Wi-Fi service within the village context.

While many are accustomed to Wi-Fi in their homes and local cafes, the endeavor here is to establish a comprehensive Wi-Fi hotspot/zone spanning large areas for phase 3, wherein users pay for internet access.

Traditionally, cafes, hotels, and campsites monetize Wi-Fi by charging patrons for its usage, supplementing their income. The aim here is analogous, albeit on a grander scale.

The strategy involves providing initial internet access wirelessly for free, with a cap of four hours, followed by offering access at a competitive rate, undercutting prevailing market prices. For instance, Maroc Telecom charges approximately 100 DH (around 10 USD) for 10GB of mobile data. (This is a lot of money in a village with no job opportunyties!)

The operational mechanics entail users seeking out the designated Wi-Fi network, connecting to it, and being directed to a landing page for payment. Payment options include credit/debit card transactions or purchasing vouchers to access the internet. This streamlined process ensures accessibility while also securing revenue for the sustainable upkeep of the Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Product List:

  1. mAP Dual-Chain 2.4GHz micro AP, 650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM
  2. MikroTik mANTBox 2 12s with 12dBi
  3. MikroTik Router L009UiGS-2HaxD-IN 2.4 GHz

Hotspot WI-Fi management Software

To be continued…


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The project is structured in several phases. Each phase must be completed in order to realize the next.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3


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